(Based on VPAT® Version 2.4)
Report Date
This report was last updated on December 12, 2024.
Product Description
GitHub Support provides general support for GitHub users including by search, by product, by articles, and more.
Please share questions or comments on the accessibility community discussion page.
The scope of this report is limited to content on support.github.com:
- My Ticket
- New Ticket
- Premium Support
- Search and Popular Link
- Support by Product Area
- Support Theme
- Upgrade GitHub Enterprise Server
Evaluation Methods Used
Scenarios were tested using:
- Keyboard-only interactions
- JAWS and NVDA with Google Chrome
- axe
- Colour Contrast Analyzer
- Platform features such as high contrast and zoom
Applicable Standards/Guidelines
This report reflects outstanding issues found by an audit based on the level A and AA criteria of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 (WCAG 2.1 AA).
- Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
- Partially Supports: Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion.
- Does Not Support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion.
- Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product.
- Not Evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion.
WCAG 2.1
Level A Success Criteria
Success Criteria |
Conformance Level |
Remarks and Explanations |
1.1.1 Non-text Content |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.2] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Incorrect alternate text value is defined for the decorative image present under 'What’s new at GitHub?' heading.
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.2] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Social media icons present in the footer section of the page does not have alternate text defined.
- [HelpHubGSP2.2] [Helphub-Popular link] Descriptive alt attribute is not provided for the 'play video' image.
1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) |
1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) |
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative |
1.3.1 Info and Relationships |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHHelpCntctfrm15.2] [Helphub Contact Form-Submit a Trademark Policy Violation Report] 'File attachments (if applicable)' control does not have a proper description detail
- [GHHelpCntctfrm15.2] [Helphub Contact Form-Submit a Trademark Policy Violation Report] Screen Reader does not announce the associated label information.
- [GHHelpCntctfrm13.1] [Helphub Contact Form-Report abuse or spam] Landmarks are not unique on 'Report abuse or spam' page
- [GHHelpCntctfrm13.1] [Helphub Contact Form-Report abuse or spam] Page contains more than one main landmark
- [GHHelpCntctfrm13.1] [Helphub Contact Form-Report abuse or spam] Main landmark is contained in another landmark
- [GHHelpCntctfrm10.1] [Helphub Contact Form-npm Name Disputes] Screen reader does not announce the count and position for check box control
- [GHHelpCntctfrm5.2] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-DMCA takedown notice] Screen Reader does not announce error message
- [GHHelpCntctfrm1.2] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-Navigation] Screen Reader does not announce the associated additional information for edit field
- [GHHelpCntctfrm1.5] [Helphub Contact Form-Your request] Screen Reader does not announce the associated label information for 'upload' control
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.4] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Premium] Heading of the dialog 'Request a Health Check Beta' is not in logical order.
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.4] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Premium] Screen reader does not announces complete label information for the Upload a support bundle for GitHub Enterprise Support in scan mode.
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.2] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Content info landmark is not present for the footer region of the Support Portal homepage.
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.2] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Main landmark is not present for the Support Homepage.
- [HelpHubGSP4.5] [HelpHub - Chat with Copilot] The screen reader does not announce the 'updated information' on toggling 'Chat with GitHub support toggle' button.
- [HelpHubGSP1.2] [Helphub-Search] The screen reader does not announce the 'Suggested Searches' results on providing input in the search edit field.
- [HelpHubGSP4.5] [HelpHub - Chat with Copilot] The screen reader does not announce the loading information on invoking 'Chat with Copilot in GitHub support' control.
- [HelpHubGSP3.2] [Helphub-Premium] The screen reader announces incorrect list information when focus lands on 'yes' control.
- [HelpHubGSP2.8] [Helphub-Footer] The screen reader does not announce the footer links along with the associated headings.
- [HelpHubGSP2.6] [Helphub-Upgrade GitHub Enterprise Server] Screen Reader does not announce the column header information
- [HelpHubGSP2.2] [Helphub-Popular link] The heading structure on the page is not defined in the hierarchy level.
- [HelpHubGSP1.2] [HelpHub-Search] Screen Reader does not announce the displayed search result information on providing an invalid/valid input in the search edit field.
- [HelpHub1.4] [HelpHub (Support Portal)-Diagnostic File] On the Diagnostic file section, list structured is not correctly defined.
- [HelpHub1.1] [HelpHub(Support Portal)-Get help with GitHub] The selected information is not announced by the screen reader upon selecting account from the dropdown.
- [VIRT_ASST_3.3] [HelpHubVirtual Assistant-Subject] While entering input in subject control, screen reader is not giving any information about results.
- [VIRT_ASST_3.5] [HelpHubVirtual Assistant-Close With Transcript] Screen Reader is not announcing the tool-tip (copy conversation to contact form) information of the control (close with transcript).
- [VIRT_ASST_2.12] [HelpHubVirtual Assistant-Virtual Assistant] On the virtual assistant dialog box, form element does not have a label defined.
1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [HlpHbCopilot1.7] In browse mode screen reader navigation is not logical
- [HelpHubGSP2.2] [Helphub-Popular link] Screen Reader focus moves twice to all the links present under 'Popular articles' heading in browse mode.
1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics |
1.4.1 Use of Color |
1.4.2 Audio Control |
2.1.1 Keyboard |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHHelpCntctfrm1.3] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-Your request] Tooltip for 'Styling with markdown is supported" control is not accessible through the keyboard
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.3] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] 'Suggested Searches' combo-box does not gets collapsed with 'Esc' key.
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.2] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Items under 'Popular Articles' heading are not accessible with keyboard.
- [HelpHubGSP3.2] [Helphub-premium] Scrollable content present in the page is not keyboard accessible.
2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap |
2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts |
2.2.1 Timing Adjustable |
2.2.2 Pause Stop Hide |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.2] [GHSupportPortalV2_1.2] No mechanism is present to pause, stop or hide the auto generating the placeholder text present for the search edit field which is present below 'Hello @vaibhavsharma2611, what can we help with?' heading.
2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold |
2.4.1 Bypass Blocks |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.2] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] No mechanism is provided to bypass the repetitive blocks of contents in the banner region of Support Portal homepage.
- [ HelpHubGSP1.1] [HelpHub-Header] The 'Skip to main' control is not defined for the page.
- [HelpHubGSP1.2] [HelpHub-search] Main landmark is not defined on ‘Github Support home page’.
2.4.2 Page Titled |
2.4.3 Focus Order |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [HlpHbCopilot1.7] Keyboard focus moves to the background control
- [GHHelpCntctfrm14.2] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-Submit a Private Information Removal Request] Keyboard focus does not move automatically to edit field while invoking the 'add another URL' button
- [VIRT_ASST_2.4] [HelpHubVirtual Assistant-Delete] On activating the delete button, the keyboard focus does not move to the link (delete the forked repository).
2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) |
2.5.1 Pointer Gestures |
2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation |
2.5.3 Label in Name |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [HelpHubGSP3.2] [Helphub-Premium] Visual label does not match the screen reader announcement when focus lands on yes control.
2.5.4 Motion Actuation |
3.1.1 Language of Page |
3.2.1 On Focus |
3.2.2 On Input |
3.3.1 Error Identification |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [HelpHub1.2] [Help Hub (Support Portal)-Select personal account, enterprise account or organization] By not providing any input on the 'Select personal account, enterprise account or organization' control then on invoking the send request button, screen reader is not announcing the information of the error message.
- [HelpHub1.9] [HelpHub(Support Portal)-Add CC] Error is not identified upon providing an invalid input in the CCs edit field.
3.3.2 Labels or Instructions |
4.1.1 Parsing |
4.1.2 Name Role Value |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHHelpCntctfrm18.2] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-Appeal and Reinstatement-Puzzle] GitHub verification puzzles do not have an accessible name
- [GHHelpCntctfrm1.2] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-Get help with GitHub] ARIA hidden element must not be focusable or contain focusable elements
- [GHHelpCntctfrm1.2] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-Get help with GitHub] Supported aria attribute is not used for element
- [GHHelpCntctfrm3.1] [Helphub Contact Form -Bug Report] Accessible name is not defined for form element
- [GHHelpCntctfrm18.2] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-Puzzle] Invalid ARIA attribute is used for element role
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.2] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Screen reader does not not announces the role information of the items present under 'Popular Articles'
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.5] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Tickets] Screen reader announces incorrect value information as expanded when the submenu button has been collapsed using 'Esc' key.
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.2] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Screen reader does not announces the value information as expanded or collapsed upon selecting the items under 'Popular Articles' heading.
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.1] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Screen Reader announces incorrect state information as 'Expanded' upon collapsing the 'Product Areas' drop-down button.
- [HelpHub1.1] [HelpHub(Support Portal)-Get help with GitHub] ARIA attributes are not allowed for an element's role.
Level AA Success Criteria
Success Criteria |
Conformance Level |
Remarks and Explanations |
1.2.4 Captions (Live) |
1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) |
1.3.4 Orientation |
1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose |
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [HelpHubGSP4.5] [HelpHub - Chat with Copilot] The luminosity contrast ratio for the text 'Now' is 4.27:1, which is less than the required contrast ratio 4.5:1.
1.4.4 Resize text |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.1] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] 'Product Area' drop-down button does not appear when page is resized to 200%.
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.1] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Keyboard focus navigates two times on the submenu items present inside the hamburger menu when page is resized to 200%.
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.1] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Keyboard focus navigate on the 'Support Home' link from the hamburger menu button upon zooming the page to 200%.
1.4.5 Images of Text |
1.4.10 Reflow |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHHelpCntctfrm14.2] [Helphub Contact Form-Submit a Private Information Removal Request] Upon setting the viewport to 320*256 px, place holder text is getting cutoff
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.1] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] Two dimensional scrolling for the Support Homepage is available upon applying reflow settings.
- [HelpHubGSP4.5] [HelpHub - Chat with Copilot] On setting to viewport to 320*256 pixels, the placeholder text 'Continue chatting with Copilot' present inside the 'search' edit field gets truncated.
- [ HelpHubGSP1.1] [HelpHub-Header] Horizontal scrollbar appears on the page after setting viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [VIRT_ASST_1.1] [HelpHubVirtual Assistant-Searchbox] The content of the search placeholder gets truncated in the 320x256 viewport.
1.4.11 Non-text Contrast |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHHelpCntctfrm1.3] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-Get help with GitHub Education] Luminosity ratio of borderline for the 'subject' edit field is 1.5:1
1.4.12 Text-spacing |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.6] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Feature Page] Author name and the description of the content in the page is getting overlapped upon applying text spacing.
1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus |
2.4.5 Multiple Ways |
2.4.6 Headings and Labels |
2.4.7 Focus Visible |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHSupportPortalV2_1.1] [GHSupportPortalV2 - Support] On alternate keystrokes, the keyboard focus is visible on the drop-down menu items of 'Product Area'
- [VIRT_ASST_2.1] [HelpHubVirtual Assistant-Our virtual assistant can help] No visible focus indicator on the "Settings" and "our virtual assistant can help" elements
3.1.2 Language of Parts |
3.2.3 Consistent Navigation |
3.2.4 Consistent Identification |
3.3.3 Error Suggestion |
3.3.4 Error Prevention (LFD) |
4.1.3 Status Messages |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHHelpCntctfrm1.5] [Helphub Contact Form-Your request] By selecting list item screen reader does not announce the updated message information
- [GHHelpCntctfrm14.2] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-Get help with GitHub Education] Screen reader does not announce displayed error message after giving invalid input to edit field
- [HelpHubGSP4.7] [HelpHub - Create a ticket] The screen reader does not announce the displayed confirmation message on invoking 'Create ticket' control.
- [HelpHubGSP4.5] [HelpHub - Chat with Copilot] The screen reader does not announce the 'Alert disclaimer' information which appear on invoking 'Chat with copilot in GitHub support' control.
- [HelpHubGSP3.2] [Helphub-Premium] The screen reader does not announce the displayed information on activating Yes/No button.
- [HelpHub1.14] [HelpHub(Support Portal - Attach files by dragging & dropping or selecting them] Screen reader is not announcing the status message of the identified error after uploading invalid file type.
- [VIRT_ASST_3.3] [HelpHubVirtual Assistant-Sent] On typing the text in the editbox and on hitting the send button, screen reader does not announce the auto replied messages.
©2024 GitHub Inc. All rights reserved. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The information contained in this document represents the current view of GitHub Inc. on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. GitHub cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.
GitHub’s WCAG 2.1 conformance reports provide the information included in ITI’s “VPAT® 2.4Rev WCAG (March 2022)” template. “Voluntary Product Accessibility Template” and “VPAT” are registered service marks of the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). This document includes material copied from or derived from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1). Copyright © 2017-2018 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang). This document is not the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and should not be used as a substitute for it. Excerpts of WCAG are referenced solely for purposes of detailing GitHub’s conformance with the relevant provisions. A full and complete copy of the Guidelines is available from the W3C WAI.
GitHub regularly updates its websites and provides new information about the accessibility of products as that information becomes available. Customization of the product voids this conformance statement from GitHub. Customers may make independent conformance statements if they have conducted due diligence to meet all relevant requirements for their customization. Please consult with Assistive Technology (AT) vendors for compatibility specifications of specific AT products. This document is for informational purposes only. GitHub MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT.