(Based on VPAT® Version 2.4)
Report Date
This report was last updated on September 20, 2024.
Product Description
GitHub.com is the world’s largest developer platform. It empowers developers to collaborate and build scalable, secure software.
Please share questions or comments on the accessibility community discussion page.
The scope of this report is limited to the following user scenarios and pages on the GitHub.com website:
User scenarios
- Account Management
- Account Management Controllers
- Actions
- App Authorization
- App Authorization using SAML
- App Installation
- Captcha
- Create a branch and commit a change
- Create, review, and merge a pull request
- Discussions
- Email Preferences Center
- Feeds
- GitHub Sponsors
- HTML Pipeline
- Join a repository
- OAuth App Authorization
- OAuth App Authorization Using SAML
- Organizations
- Profiles
- Read and edit a file within a repo
- Read notifications
- Review, update, and assign issues
- Review and modify accessibility settings
- Sign in
- Sign out
- Sign up
Evaluation Methods Used
Scenarios were tested using:
- Keyboard-only interactions
- JAWS and NVDA with Google Chrome
- axe
- Colour Contrast Analyzer
- Platform features such as high contrast and zoom
Applicable Standards/Guidelines
This report reflects outstanding issues found by an audit based on the level A and AA criteria of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 (WCAG 2.1 AA).
- Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
- Partially Supports: Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion.
- Does Not Support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion.
- Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product.
- Not Evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion.
WCAG 2.1
Level A Success Criteria
Success Criteria |
Conformance Level |
Remarks and Explanations |
1.1.1 Non-text Content |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [User Feedback] Customer reported issue for sparklines
- [GHDotCom10.1] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Discussions] Alt value is not provided for 'Emoji' control which is present under 'The home for developer communities' section.
- [GHDotCom9.2] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Issues] Alt value is not being announced by screen reader for 'Before_After.mp4' video.
- [GHDotCom7.1] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Code Review] Alt value is not provided for image present under 'Make a change' heading.
1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) |
1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) |
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative |
1.3.1 Info and Relationships |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [Accountmgmt7.4] [Account Management-Payment Information] Screen reader does not announce the associated group label information for combo boxes
- [EmailPrefCenter1.2] [Email Preference Center-Subscription preferences] Screen reader does not announce the associated information for check box controls
- [EcoSysAuth2.1] [GitHub Apps - GitHub App Authorization] Text -'Resources on your account' is not programmatically defined as heading
- [EcoSysAuth3.3] [GitHub Apps - GitHub App Installation] Level one heading is not defined in the page
- [Accountmgmt7.6] [Marketplace-Payment Information] Level one heading is not defined in the page
- [Accountmgmt4.1] [Account Management-Billing emails] 'Add' control is not descriptive
- [Accountmgmt7.4] [Account Management-Payment Information] Screen Reader does not announce the associated label information for 'PayPal' control
- [Accountmgmt7.1] [Account Management-Payment Information] Screen Reader does not announce the associated label information for edit field
- [Accountmgmt2.1] [Account Management-Usage]Screen reader is not announcing the count of elements present in billing navigation landmark
- [OrgsSer1.23] [Orgs Service-Members] Level one heading is not defined in the page
- [OrgsSer1.2] [Orgs Service-Set up your organization] Screen Reader is not announcing the group label for the checkbox
- [GlobalNav5.5] [Global Navigation-User Drawer] Screen reader does not announce the count and position for all list items
- [Cntribtr&CodeFrqnc1.3] [Repo insights views-Commit Over time - Chart UI] Landmarks are not unique on 'Contributors' page
- [AcctLogin1.4] [GitHub Account Login -Sign out] Screen reader does not announce complete information of page
- [AcctLogin1.26] [GitHub Account Login -Sign out] 'Sign out' control is not descriptive enough
- [AcctLogin1.23] [GitHub Account login- Sign in using recovery code] Heading structure inside the dialog is not in hierarchy level
- [AcctLogin1.14] [GitHub Account Login -Security key] Screen reader is announcing as table, when focus lands on edit field
- [AcctLogin1.12] [GitHub Account Login -Enable two-factor authentication (2FA)] Screen Reader does not announce the associated information for edit field
- [AcctLogin1.17] [GitHub Account Login -Recovery code] Level one heading is not defined in the page
- [AcctLogin1.5] [GitHub Account Login -Two-factor authentication] Order of headings is not in logical sequence
- [ProfAuditReq1.22] [Profile Audit-Starred] Elements with an ARIA role that require child roles do not contain them
- [ProfAuditReq1.6] [Profile Audit-Change your avatar/ Public profile] Screen Reader does not announce the associated label information for 'social accounts' edit field
- [ProfAuditReq1.6] [Profile Audit-Change your avatar/ Public profile] Screen Reader does not announce the associated additional information for 'Name' edit field.
- [GHDotCom-FeturCodeSp8.1] [GITHUBDOTCOM -Secure by design] Text ‘Isolated environments’ is unnecessarily exposed as heading of level 3.
- [GHDotCom-FeturCodeSe7.2] [GITHUBDOTCOM-Way more than grep] Text ‘Suggestions, completions, and more’ is unnecessarily exposed as heading of level 2.
- [GHDotCom-Readme31.3] [GITHUBDOTCOM - Readme] Text ‘Champion accessibility to unleash untapped potential’ is unnecessarily exposed as heading of level 3.
- [GHDotCom-PreSprt18.2] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Premium Support] The content appears after invoking the 'compare all features' control is not defined in a tabular format.
- [GHDotCom-PreSprt18.4] [GITHUBDOTCOM-Premium Support] Sections and sub-sections are defined under same heading level 3.
- [GHDotCom-Entrprs17.7] [GITHUBDOTCOM - Enterprise] Heading structure is incorrect for ‘Start your journey with GitHub’ header and its underlying content.
- [GHDotCom-Entrprs17.5] [GITHUBDOTCOM - Enterprise] Texts under ‘Efficiency and security at every step’ heading are unnecessarily defined in heading.
- [GHDotCom-FeturC9.3] [GITHUBDOTCOM - Features Copilot] Texts under ‘The competitive advantage developers ask for by name.’ heading are unnecessarily exposed as heading
- [GithubDisc1.28] [GitHub Discussion-Pin discussion] The heading structure inside the 'Configure pinned discussion' dialog box is not in hierarchy level.
- [GHAdvSecuty1.5] [Github Advanced Security-Advance Security] Incorrect heading level defined for 'Frequently Asked Questions' text
- [GHDotCom2.6] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Features] The text -'$ 0 per month forever' is programmatically defined as heading.
- [GHPricingPage1.1] [GitHub Pricing Page-Pricing] The text -'$ 0 per month forever' is programmatically defined as heading.
- [GHDotCom7.3] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Code Review] Sections and sub-sections present under 'Get Started' section are defined under same heading level 2.
- [GHRecommendedPlan1.1] [GitHub Recommended Plan-Landing page] Upon activating the 'Skip to main content' link , the screen reader does not announce the content present on the main landmark.
- [MrktPubPipStartupPrtnr1.2] [Marketing publishing pipeline startup partners-GitHub for Startups partners] The screen reader announces unnecessary state as collapsed for the 'have them apply here' control.
- [GHSponsers1.31] [GHSponsers - GitHub Sponsors Profile] Screen reader does not announce complete information on the edit field of Introduction.
- [GHSponsers1.30] [GitHub Sponsors-Sponsors dashboard] Screen reader does not announce the headings in hierarchical order while navigating on them.
- [GHSponsers1.55] [GitHub Sponsors-GitHub sponsor accounts] Screen reader is announcing the additional information of the hovercard without getting displayed.
- [GHSponsers1.16] [anjuan / Sponsoring-Join the waitlist] The screen reader does not announce the associated label for the radio buttons.
- [GHSponsers1.10] [GitHub Sponsors-Explore GitHub Sponsors] The screen reader announces irrelevant information along with the left pane list items.
- [GHSponsers1.10] [GitHub Sponsors-Explore GitHub Sponsors] The screen reader announces the entire information at the once when focus lands on left pane list items.
- [GHSponsers1.10] [GitHub Sponsors-Explore GitHub Sponsors] The page contains more than one main landmark.
- [EcoSysAuth3.3] [Ecosystem Apps, OAuth-GitHub App Installation] The screen reader does not announce the search suggestion results when a valid/invalid input is provided in the 'Search for a repository' edit field upon activating the Select repositories dropdown control.
- [Accountmgmt3.1] [Account Management-Spending limit] The screen reader does not announce the associated label for the radio buttons which are present under 'Monthly spending limits' section.
- [Accountmgmt2.1] [Account Management-Usage] The screen reader does not announce the column 2-Included as column header.
- [Accountmgmt7.3] [Account Management-Payment Information] The screen reader does not announce the dialog box information which appear on invoking 'Remove billing information' control.
- [Accountmgmt4.2] [Account Management-Billing emails] The screen reader does not announce the dialog box information which appear on invoking 'Remove' control.
- [Accountmgmt2.1] [Account Management-Usage] Empty column header is defined for the table-'Usage minutes' under 'Actions monthly usage' section.
- [GitHubFeeds3.2] [GitHub Feeds-Right Pane] The screen reader does not announce any information upon activating ‘Star’ control in right pane.
- [GitHubFeeds1.1] [GitHub Feeds-Left Pane] The aria children role is not defined for the menu items inside the 'anuradhayella' dropdown.
- [GitHubFeeds1.4] [GitHub Feeds-Left Pane] Screen reader does not announces the label which is associated with the contents under recent activity.
- [GitHubSignUp2.4] [GitHubSignUp - Welcome to Github - Recommended plan] Screen reader does not announce position count information for list items defined in the page.
- [AccntMangmntController1.4] [Account Management Controller-Successor settings] The heading structure on the Successor settings section is not in the appropriate hierarchy level.
- [ProfAuditReq1.6] [Profile Audit - Change your avatar/ Public profile ] Same placeholder text has been used for adding social media links.
- [ProfAuditReq1.31] [Profile Audit - Contribution activity (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)] Screen reader does not announce position count information for list item which are defined in year of contribution 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020.
- [ProfAuditReq1.25] [Profile Audit - Edit pinned items] The screen reader does not announce position number for filtered results.
- [htmlppln 2.6] [HTML Pipeline - Creating Diagram]: The screen reader is not announcing information as 'zoomed in' upon activating zoom in control.
- [GithubDisc1.26] [GitHub Discussions-Transfer this discussion] The screen reader does not announce the search suggestion results when a valid/invalid input is provided in the 'Search repositories' edit field control.
- WCAG Audit] [GithubDisc1.44] [GitHub Discussions-discussions overview] The screen reader is not announcing the information when the invalid/valid input is provided to the search field.
- [GithubDisc1.45] [GitHub Discussions-Settings] The ARIA role does not contain particular children inside the"githuba11y/repo_the_second2" menu button.
- [GithubDisc1.42] [GitHub Discussions-Changing the category] The Aria parent role is not defined for the 'Label' dropdown elements.
- [GithubDisc1.14] [GitHub Discussions-Comment Options -Discussions options - Reference in new issue] The screen reader does not announce associated label information for the edit field under ‘Repository’ dropdown.
1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [Cntribtr&CodeFrqnc1.3 [Repo insights views-Commit Over time - Chart UI] Screen reader does not announce 'Graph node' point information
- [AcctLogin1.25] [GitHub Account Login -Add other account] In browse mode, screen reader navigation does not move to controls
- [GHDotCom3.2] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Actions] In browse mode, the screen reader focus is not logical after 'ci.yml' text.
- [GHDotCom5.1] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Codespaces] In browse mode, screen reader focus is moving to hidden content 'Available in every repository', 'Getting started is just a click away'.
- [ProfAuditReq1.5] [Profile Audit - Clear status] Screen reader focus automatically navigates to user's name and GitHub handle when 'Clear Status' gets activated.
1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [ProfAuditReq1.2] [Profile Audit-Set status] Tooltip is not defined for the 'Set status' control
- [htmlppln 2.6] [HTML Pipeline - Creating Diagram]: Tooltip is not defined for the 'Open dialog' control present under the preview tab.
1.4.1 Use of Color |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GH_CMSF2_ Tempt1.4] [GitHub CMS F2 template-Frequently Asked Questions] Link 'Lobortis mattis ' has insufficient color contrast with the surrounding text.
1.4.2 Audio Control |
2.1.1 Keyboard |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [OrgsSer1.22] [Orgs Service- Failed invitations] Cancel invitations control is not keyboard accessible
- [html ppln 1.21] [HTML Pipeline-Mentioning people and teams] On setting viewport to 320*256 px, hovercard does not appear upon receiving keyboard focus
- [html ppln 1.21] [HTML Pipeline-Mentioning people and teams] Controls inside the hovercard are not accessible via keyboard
- [ProfAuditReq1.15] [Profile Audit-Following] On setting viewport to 320*256 px, the hovercard of the controls are not accessible with keyboard
- [ProfAuditReq1.15] [Profile Audit-Following] The controls present inside the hovercard are not accessible via keyboard
- [GHDotCom-Mona-sans29.2] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Mona-sans] The 'Video content' is not accessible by the keyboard.
- [MemexInsights1.10] [MemexInsights-Chart] On the Insights page the content of the chart is not accessible by the keyboard.
- [GHSponsers1.10] [Usable-GitHub Sponsors-Explore GitHub Sponsors] The list items at the left pane are not navigable through directional keys.
- [GitHubFeeds1.2] [GitHub Feeds-Left Pane] The Tooltip that appears on mouse hover for the 'controls' under 'Top Repositories' is not displayed through keyboard.
2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap |
2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts |
2.2.1 Timing Adjustable |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHDotCom5.1] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Codespaces] There is no alternative way to adjust the time for auto updating content.
2.2.2 Pause Stop Hide |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHDotCom9.1] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Issues] There is no mechanism to pause/stop/hide the auto updating carousel images present under the 'Bored of boards? Switch to tables and roadmaps.' heading.
- [GHDotCom3.2] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Actions] There is no mechanism to pause/stop/hide the auto scrolling list content present below 'Community-powered workflows' heading.
- [EnterpriseLandingpage1.1] [The AI Powered Developer Platform - The AI Powered Developer Platform] Play/pause control is not present for the autoplay video.
2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold |
2.4.1 Bypass Blocks |
2.4.2 Page Titled |
2.4.3 Focus Order |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [EcoSysAuth1.1] [GitHub Apps-OAuth App Authorization] Keyboard focus order is not logical after chevron icon
- [Accountmgmt7.2] [Account Management-Payment Information] Keyboard focus is not sequential upon activating save control.
- [Accountmgmt7.7] [Account Management-Payment Information] Keyboard focus order is not logical on invoking 'Add Information' control.
- [Accountmgmt7.7] [Account Management-Payment Information] Keyboard focus moves to the background control without the -'Extra billing information' dialog collapsing
- [AccntSettings1.2] [Account Management Controllers -Really change your username?] Keyboard focus order is not logical on dialog box
- [OrgsSer1.12] [Orgs Service-Invite Member] Keyboard focus order is not logical on the 'Invite Member' dialog box.
- [AcctLogin1.9] [GitHub Account login-Add a Passkey-Delete passkey] Keyboard focus order is not logical on the 'Delete passkeys' dialog box
- [ProfAuditReq1.24] [Profile Audit-Edit pinned items] Keyboard focus order is not logical on the 'Edit pinned items' dialog box
- [GHDotCom-GHDotCom-EntrprsTrail22.1] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Enterprise Trail] In browse mode, screen reader focus is not moving to "Modsy" and "HashiCorp" graphic logo icons.
- [SSHAuthn1.3] [SSH Authentication-Are you sure you want to delete this SSH key?] The keyboard focus order is not logical on the -'Are you sure you want to delete this SSH key?' dialog box.
- [SSHAuthn1.8] [SSH Authentication-Are you sure you want to delete this GPG key?] The keyboard focus moves to the background control without the -'Are you sure you want to delete this GPG key?' dialog collapsing.
- [GithubDisc1.26] [GitHub Discussion- Transfer this discussion] Keyboard focus moves to whole 'Transfer this discussion' dialog.
- [GHAdvSecuty1.5] [Github Advanced Security-Frequently Asked Questions] Multiple tab presses required to reach control in 'general' heading after invoking 'general' tab
- [GHDotCom10.1] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Discussions] Keyboard focus navigates on 'Vote' which is non-interactive.
- [GHPricingPage1.3] [GitHub Pricing Page-Pricing] The keyboard focus is not in sync with the page scrolling while navigating using Shift+Tab key.
- [GHSponsers1.23] [GitHub Sponsors-Bulk Sponsor] The keyboard focus in the 'Create sponsorships in bulk via file import' page is not moving in logical sequential order.
- [GHSponsers1.68] [GitHub Sponsors-Sponsors dashboard] The keyboard focus moves to the background control without the 'Embed a link to 'Shivam2250 graphic ' menu automatically collapsing.
- [GHSponsers1.31] [GHSponsers - GitHub Sponsors Profile] Keyboard focus navigates on the non-interactive multi-line text box after 'Write' tab.
- [GHSponsers1.51] [GitHub Sponsors-GitHub sponsor accounts] The keyboard focus moves to the next interactive controls without collapsing the expanded menu.
- [GitHubFeedsP2-1.1] [GHfeeds-Switch Dashboard Context] The keyboard focus moves to the next interactive control from the last menu item of the 'Switch dashboard context' without the dropdown being automatically collapsing.
- [EcoSysAuth3.3] [Ecosystem Apps, OAuth-GitHub App Installation] The keyboard focus moves to the background controls without the -'Select repositories' dropdown automatically collapsing.
- [Accountmgmt7.1] [Account Management-Payment Information] Upon saving the blank form, the keyboard focus order is not logical.
- [GlobalNav4.1] [Global Navigation-Local Navigation] Upon activating the 'Issues' tab control, keyboard focus is not logical in the local navigation region.
- [GlobalNav1.2] [Global Navigation-Global Side Panel] Entire hamburger menu is getting collapsed, upon trying to close tooltip -'Close filter' using esc key.
- [GlobalNav2.2] [Global Navigation-User Drawer] The keyboard focus moves to the next interactive control without the -'Clear status' dropdown automatically collapsing.
- [GitHubFeeds1.1] [GitHub Feeds-Left Pane] Expanded Menu item is not getting collapsed when the keyboard focus moves to the next interactive control.
- [AccntMangmntController1.7] [Account Management Controller-Successor settings] The keyboard focus moves to the next interactive control from the last item under the 'Copy invite link' dropdown with automatically collapsing.
- [ProfAuditReq1.27] [Profile Audit -Contribution settings] Keyboard focus moves on the background control without the dropdown automatically collapsing.
- [htmlppln 2.6] [HTML Pipeline - Creating Diagram]: Keyboard focus is moving out of dialog after the last control- '>'.
- [GithubDisc1.40] [GitHub Discussion-Categories-Polls] Upon activating the "Add an option" control, the keyboard focus does not move to the newly added editable "Option" control.
- [GithubDisc1.39] [GitHub Discussions- Q and A (Animals')] The keyboard focus disappears upon activating the 'Mark your answer' control.
- [GithubDisc1.13] [GitHub Discussions-Discussions options -Quote reply] The focus order is not logical when the focus moves to the ‘Discussion options’ control from ‘Edit’ control.
2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [ProfAuditReq1.32] [Profile Audit-Organization Profile page] 'Pull request' Link is not descriptive enough, to identify its purpose
- [GHDotCom-FeturCodeSe7.1] [GITHUBDOTCOM-Feature Code Search] Links 'try it now and watch video' are not descriptive enough.
- [GHDotCom-feturIntgrns28.2] [GITHUBDOTCOM - Feature Integrations] ‘Learn More’ link is not descriptive enough when read aloud by screen reader.
- [GHDotCom-FeturActns5.2] [GITHUBDOTCOM - Features Actions] Link 'View Docs' is not descriptive.
- [AccntMangmntController1.6] [Account Management Controller-Delete] The 'Delete' link is not descriptive enough.
- [ProfAuditReq1.7] [Profile Audit - Contributions & Activity] The 'Read more' link is not descriptive enough.
2.5.1 Pointer Gestures |
2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation |
2.5.3 Label in Name |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GlobalNav2.2] [Global Navigation-User Drawer] Visible label does not match the actual programmatic label 'What's happening?'
- [GitHubFeeds1.5] [GitHub Feeds-Left Pane] Visual name and aria-label are different for 'Find a team' editfield.
2.5.4 Motion Actuation |
3.1.1 Language of Page |
3.2.1 On Focus |
3.2.2 On Input |
3.3.1 Error Identification |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [OrgsSer1.5] [Orgs Service-Pages] Screen reader does not announce the displayed error message information
3.3.2 Labels or Instructions |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [OrgsSer1.5] [Programmatic Acess-Orgs Service-Pages] No instructions are provided for the edit field
- [ProfAuditReq1.2] [Profile Audit-Set status] Label is not defined for the form element
4.1.1 Parsing |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [Accountmgmt7.1] [Account Management-Payment Information] Id attribute is not unique for the form fields which is present under 'Billing information' section.
- [OrgsSer1.2] [Orgs Service-Set up your organization] Id attribute is not unique for the 'Verify your account' frame.
4.1.2 Name Role Value |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [AccntSettings1.3] ARIA dialog does not have an accessible name
- [GHHelpCntctfrm18.2] [GitHub Helphub Contact Form-Puzzle] Invalid ARIA attribute is used for element role
- [Accountmgmt4.2] [Account Management- Billing emails] Role attribute has an appropriate value for the element
- [GlobalNav2.2] [Global Navigation-User Drawer] Role is not defined for 'Set status' control
- [GlobalNav1.2] [Global Navigation-Repositories] Interactive controls are nested together
- [GlobalNav5.3] [Global Navigation-Context Navigation] Interactive controls are nested together
- [OrgsSer1.2] [Orgs Service-Set up your organization] Invalid ARIA attribute is used for element role
- [AcctLogin1.3] [GitHub Account Login -Reset your password] Invalid ARIA attribute is used for element role
- [Start Puzzle] Permitted ARIA attributes are not being used by element role.
- [MrktPubPipLeadership1.3] [Marketing Publishing Pipeline leadership- Leaders] The screen reader is not announcing the role information when 'Thomas Dohmke' control is activated.
- [EcoSysAuth1.1] [Ecosystem Apps, OAuth-OAuth App Authorization] Proper role is not defined for the 'Request' button.
- [Accountmgmt5.1] [Account Management-Landing page] Proper role is not defined for the 'Get usage report' button.
- [Accountmgmt4.2] [Account Management-Billing emails] The 'Edit' control do not have unique and descriptive label.
- [AccntMangmntController1.2] [Account Management Controller-Change Username] Incorrect aria-label is defined for the Close button.
Level AA Success Criteria
Success Criteria |
Conformance Level |
Remarks and Explanations |
1.2.4 Captions (Live) |
1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GH-CopilotLandingPage1.1] [GH-Feature Copilot Landing Page - GitHub Copilot] The audio description is not present for the video only content.
1.3.4 Orientation |
1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose |
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [ProfAuditReq1.2] [Profile Audit-Set status] Luminosity contrast ratio for the Emoji text is 1:1 when focus lands on it.
- [ProfAuditReq1.2] [Profile Audit-Set status] Luminosity contrast ratio of the placeholder text- 'What's happening?' is 4.3:1
- [GHAdvSecuty1.2] [Github Advanced Security-Fixes in minutes, not months] Contrast ratio of image of text 'My project' is 3.8:1; less than the required 4.5:1
- [GHSponsers1.61] [GitHub Sponsors-GitHub sponsor accounts] The luminosity contrast of the text 'Current balance' is 4.27:1 which is less than the required contrast ratio 4.5:1.
- [EcoSysAuth3.3] [Ecosystem Apps, OAuth-GitHub App Installation] The luminosity ratio for the placeholder text-'Search for a repository' is 4.3:1 which is less than the required contrast ratio 4.5:1.
- [GlobalNav3.2] [Global Navigation-Context Navigation] The luminosity contrast ratio of the ' Type / to search' placeholder text is 4.27:1, which is less than the required contrast ratio 4.5:1.
- [GlobalNav2.2] [Global Navigation-User Drawer] The luminosity contrast ratio of the 'What's happening?' placeholder text is 4.3:1, which is less than the required contrast ratio 4.5:1.
1.4.4 Resize text |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [GHDiversityReport1.2] Upon resizing the page to 200%, Image gets overlapped with text
- [GHEnterpriseLandingPgiOS1.3] [GHEnterpriseLandingPgiOS - The enterprise-ready platform that developers know and love] Contents are truncated when the page is resized to 200%.
1.4.5 Images of Text |
1.4.10 Reflow |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [AccntSettings3.1] Two-dimensional scrolling is required to read the contents of the page upon setting the viewport to 320*256 px
- [Accountmgmt4.1] [Account Management-Billing emails] Edit control moves out of the designed box upon changing the viewport to 320*256 px
- [OrgsSer1.1] [Supporting the platform-Orgs Service-Choose a plan] Accordion controls under the "Free" heading disappear when the viewport is set to 320x256 px
- [OrgsSer1.7] [Orgs Service- Members] Keyboard focus indicator overlaps with the content on setting the viewport to 320*256 px
- [OrgsSer1.23] [Orgs Service-Members] On setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels, 'Control and Text' is hard to read and use.
- [OrgsSer1.23] [Orgs Service-Members] Two-dimensional scrolling is required to read the contents of the page upon setting the viewport to 320*256 px
- [OrgsSer1.2] [Orgs Service-Set up your organization] Two-dimensional scrolling is required to read the contents of the page upon setting the viewport to 320*256 px
- [Cntribtr&CodeFrqnc1.3] [Repo insights views-Commit Over time - Chart UI] 'Graph' is overlapping, in 320*256 pixel viewport.
- WCAG Audit] [AcctLogin1.3] [GitHub Account Login -Forgot password] 'Navigate to next image' control is getting cutoff, in 320*256 pixel viewport
- WCAG Audit] [AcctLogin1.3] [GitHub Account Login -Forgot password] Text is getting cutoff, upon setting the viewport to 320*256 pixel
- [AcctLogin1.14] [GitHub Account Login -Security keys] Place holder text is getting cutoff, upon setting the viewport to 320*256 px
- [ProfAuditReq1.24] [Profile Audit-Edit pinned items] On setting the viewport 320*256 px list item content gets truncated
- [ProfAuditReq1.32] [Profile Audit-Organization Profile page] On setting viewport to 320*256 px, 'Past year of activity' graphs disappear
- [ProfAuditReq1.15] [Profile Audit-Following] Two-dimensional scrolling is required to read the contents of the 'Following' page upon setting the viewport to 320*256 px
- [ProfAuditReq1.15] [Profile Audit-Following] After setting the viewport to 320*256 px, 'Following' icon and control are getting overlapped
- [GHDotCom9.2] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Issues] Two dimensional scroll bar appears when reflow settings are applied on the page.
- [GHDotCom2.1] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Features] The 'Experience AI with Copilot Chat' text overlapping background image after setting the viewport to 320*256 pixel.
- [GHDotCom2.1] [GitHub Dot Com Page-Features] Upon viewport set to 320*256 pixels, the 'Page navigation' control is not collapsing automatically when the keyboard focus moves to the next interactive control from the last menu item.
- [GHSecurityPg4.1] [Security Page- Secure your software supply chain] On setting to viewport to 320*256 pixels, 'Discover dependency review beta' control is gets truncated.
- [MrktPubPipprocurement1.1] [MrkPubPipeProcumentLegal- Marketing Publishing Pipeline_Procurement] The horizontal scroll bar appears when the viewport changes to 320*256 pixels.
- [MrktPubPipCstmrTerms1.1] [MrktPubPipCstmrTerms - Customer Terms] Horizontal scrollbar appears for the page 'Customer Agreements' when reflow settings are applied.
- [GHSponsers1.22] [GitHub Sponsors-GitHub sponsor accounts] A horizontal scroll bar appears on the page upon setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [GHSponsers1.56] [GitHub Sponsors-GitHub sponsor accounts] A horizontal scroll bar appears on the page upon setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [GHSponsers1.50] [GitHub Sponsors-GitHub sponsor accounts] A horizontal scroll bar appears on the page upon setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [GH-CopilotLandingPage1.5] [GH-Feature Copilot Landing Page - Feature] The image present below the 'Ask for assistance right in your terminal' heading is not completely visible on changing the viewport to 320*256pixels.
- [GHSponsers1.13] [Explore GitHub Sponsors-Explore GitHub Sponsors] Tooltip does not appear for graphical link on receiving focus upon setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [GHSponsers1.6] [Explore GitHub Sponsors-Explore GitHub Sponsors] Horizontal scroll bar appears on the page upon setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [EcoSysAuth1.3] [Ecosystem Apps, OAuth-OAuth App Authorization] Horizontal scroll bar appears upon 'x' tooltip receives focus when the viewport is adjusted to 320*256 pixels and page zoom is set to 200%.
- [EcoSysAuth5.2] [Ecosystem Apps, OAuth-OAuth App Authorization Using SAML] Horizontal scroll bar appears upon '✓' tooltip receives focus when the viewport is adjusted to 320*256 pixels and page zoom is set to 200%.
- [EcoSysAuth3.3] [Ecosystem Apps, OAuth-GitHub App Installation] Horizontal scroll bar appears upon activating the 'Only select repositories' radio button when the viewport is adjusted to 320*256 pixels and page zoom is set to 200%.
- [Accountmgmt4.1] [Account Management-Billing emails] A Horizontal scroll bar appears on the page upon setting the viewport to 320*256pixels.
- [Accountmgmt7.4] [Account Management-Payment Information] Upon setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels, 'Save payment information' control gets overlapped with the 'Privacy' and 'Terms' control.
- [Accountmgmt7.4] [Account Management-Payment Information] Upon setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels, the tooltip which appear on 'Card' icon control gets truncated.
- [AccntloginPasskey1.2] [Passkeys-Login with Passkey for Security page] Horizontal scrollbar appears on the page after setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [AcctLogin1.16] [Account Login-SMS authentication] On setting to viewport to 320*256 pixels, the 'Please solve this puzzle so we know you are a real person' text gets truncated.
- [AcctLogin1.1] [Account login- Login page] The horizontal scroll bar appears when the viewport changes to 320*256 pixels.
- [GitHubFeeds1.2] [GitHub Feeds-Left Pane] Content trim occurred at 'Top Repositories' text upon setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [OrgsSer1.20] [Orgs Service-Members] Tooltip of 'GitHub member handles' links does not appear on mouse hover upon setting the viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [AccntMangmntController1.7] [Account Management Controller- Successor settings] The 'Copy invite link' dropdown is not completely visible upon changing the viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [AccntMangmntController1.7] [Account Management Controller- Successor settings] The control under the 'Successor setting' section are not in there designed box upon changing the viewport to 320*256 pixels.
- [ProfAuditReq1.15] [Profile Audit -Following] The organization's logo is distorted, and its name is overlapping on its logo along with truncated 'follow'/'unfollow' control on changing the viewport to 320*256 pixels
1.4.11 Non-text Contrast |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [Accountmgmt7.1] [Account Management-Payment Information] Luminosity ratio of borderline for the edit field is 1.5:1
- [AccntSettings1.3] [Account Management Controllers -Enter a new username] Luminosity ratio of borderline for the edit field is 1.5:1
- [OrgsSer1.2] [Orgs Service-Set up your organization] Luminosity ratio of borderline for the edit field is 1.5:1
- [ProfAuditReq1.30] [Profile Audit-contributions in the last year] Luminosity contrast ratio for 'No contribution' controls is 1.2:1
- [SSHAuthn1.1] [SSH Authentication-Title] The luminosity ratio for borderline for the edit field is 1.2:1, which is less than the required contrast ratio 3:1.
- [GlobalNav2.2] [Global Navigation-User Drawer] The luminosity contrast ratio for the focus indicator over the 'Everyone Your status will be visible to everyone' control is 1:1 which is less than the required contrast ratio 3:1.
1.4.12 Text-spacing |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [OrgsSer1.23] [Orgs Service-Members] Placeholder text is getting cutoff on applying text spacing.
- [GHPricingPage1.1] [GitHub Pricing Page-Pricing] 'Free' Heading is not adapting the text spacing.
- [GHPricingPage1.1] [GitHub Pricing Page-Pricing] 'Start a Free Trail' control text is getting truncated after applying text spacing.
- [GlobalNav1.2] [Global Navigation-Global Side Panel] Upon applying text spacing, 'githuba11y/repo_the_second2' text is getting truncated.
1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus |
2.4.5 Multiple Ways |
2.4.6 Headings and Labels |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [Accountmgmt7.4] [Account Management-Payment Information] Descriptive group label is not defined for the 'combo boxes'
2.4.7 Focus Visible |
3.1.2 Language of Parts |
3.2.3 Consistent Navigation |
3.2.4 Consistent Identification |
3.3.3 Error Suggestion |
3.3.4 Error Prevention (LFD) |
4.1.3 Status Messages |
Partially Supports
Exceptions include:
- [EcoSysAuth3.3] [GitHub Apps - GitHub App Installation] Screen reader does not announce the search result information on providing invalid input
- [OrgsSer1.8] [Orgs Service-Members] Screen reader does not announce the displayed status message information
- [ProfAuditReq1.25] [Profile Audit-Edit pinned items] By selecting the checkboxes screen reader does not announce the changing status message information
- [ProfAuditReq1.25] [Profile Audit-Edit pinned items] On providing invalid input screen reader does not announce the status message information
- [ProfAuditReq1.2] [Profile Audit-Set status] Screen reader does not announce the search results on providing invalid inputs in the 'Filter emoji' edit field
- [ProfAuditReq1.2] [Profile Audit-Set status] Screen reader does not announce the displayed status message
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GitHub’s WCAG 2.1 conformance reports provide the information included in ITI’s “VPAT® 2.4Rev WCAG (March 2022)” template. “Voluntary Product Accessibility Template” and “VPAT” are registered service marks of the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). This document includes material copied from or derived from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1). Copyright © 2017-2018 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang). This document is not the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and should not be used as a substitute for it. Excerpts of WCAG are referenced solely for purposes of detailing GitHub’s conformance with the relevant provisions. A full and complete copy of the Guidelines is available from the W3C WAI.
GitHub regularly updates its websites and provides new information about the accessibility of products as that information becomes available. Customization of the product voids this conformance statement from GitHub. Customers may make independent conformance statements if they have conducted due diligence to meet all relevant requirements for their customization. Please consult with Assistive Technology (AT) vendors for compatibility specifications of specific AT products. This document is for informational purposes only. GitHub MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT.